Scrap Kit Contest
PSPx3 Birthday Party Celebration

Your task was to download Toni's Scrap Kit Freebie "Cow Chips"and create a tag with it.
Thank you all for your votes. We always appreciate the support you show for your sisters.

To all participants, please accept this plaque as a token of our thanks.
You each did a super job with your entry.
Right click your mouse and "Save As" to your own computer.

Congratulations to our Winners!
1st Place: Entry 9 - MiM
2nd Place: Entry 10 - Ginny
3rd Place: Entry 2 - Chris (Tie)
Entry 10
Entry 2
3rd Place: Entry 3 - Liz (Tie)
3rd Place: Entry 12 - Annie (Tie)
Entry 3
Entry 12

Here you can view all Entries again
Entry 1 - Trudy/Rucksster
Entry 2 - Chris (3rd Place Tie)
Entry 1 Entry 2
Entry 3 - Liz (3rd Place Tie)
Entry 4 - Lori
Entry 3 Entry 4
Entry 5 - Taree
Entry 6 - Pale
Entry 5 Entry 6
Entry 7 - Doreen
Entry 8 - Tara
Entry 7 Entry 8
Entry 9 - Mim (1st Place)
Entry 10 - Ginny (2nd Place)
Entry 9 Entry 10
Entry 11 - Marilyn
Entry 12 - Annie (3rd Place Tie)
Entry 11 Entry 12
Entry 13 - §apphyre
Entry 14 - Gin
Entry 13 Entry 14

Back to PSPx3 Birthday Index

Webset created by Sigrid and designed by Cathie and Laine
for PSP Times Three
Header Tag Tube:
© Camilla Drakenborg at © Artistic Minds
Scrapkit "Cow Chips" by Toni of
Toni's Scraparoni
No copyright infringement intended
All entries belong to their Creators!
Please do not take anything
October 2009
~All Rights Reserved~