
How about a Challenge?
Halloween will be coming soon and I think we are all having fun
making creations involving this fun day..

First the rules - Open to everyone in our group -
except me as I will be the judge!!

You have to use elements from the kit Fangtasia
You have to use one of the tubes I am providing
That's it - You can animate or do what else you want.
Just use one of the tubes and elements from the kit.

The challenge will end Friday, October 22nd and I will announce the winners on the Monday October 25th
Gifts will be from Sophisti Scraps

Tag Size no larger then 500x500
Send to me at laineh@comcast.net



Click on the kit to go to the site and download



Here is a preview of the tubes which you can pick from
Download all here

candra carol heyer
halloween rocks

Click below to go to our Entries


Site Content © 2010
Laines Highway Creations
Created exclusively for PSPX3
Header Image ©A.K. Brown

Elements used for webpage design from the kit Fangtasia by Toni