Where do I begin to tell you about Cathie. Besides being one of the most generous and giving persons I have ever met -
I was so proud to call her "My Friend"
Cathie was a teacher and through her I learned so much. I don't think there was anything that she didn't know
or didn't want to learn!
I met Cathie through a group where she was one of the owners of - Ladies of Distinction. This was a group much like ours.
It was a group of Ladies that wanted to chat and also learn PSP.
Cathie had just started creating Scrapkits and was working with Toni learning Photoshop. How she loved that!
Everytime one of her kits sold, she wrote me how she couldn't believe that someone would buy her work.
This was one of Cathie's first scrapkits and, of course, being Cathie she offered it to anyone that wanted it-
Click on kit to download
What where Cathie's terms - here they are
I've been asked about my Terms of Use. What can I say?
Once you take a kit I have to believe you will not make them into a mess.
Yes, you may colorize, resize, and add all the glitters and sparkles that makes you happy.
That's Cathie - straight to the point
Toni had Cathie's kits on her site, but feels like they belong here with us on her own page.
Thank you so much Toni, I know you loved her as much as I did and this is very touching.
Please feel free to download and use - Cathie would have loved that!
Click on image to download
Woodland Fantasy
Victorian Flair
I know each of you that knew Cathie miss her as I do. She was a very special person and I am so proud that I was her friend!
This webset was created exclusively by Laine
Header created by Lori
~All Rights Reserved~