we will forget him

We Will Forget Him

Tutorial Supplies Here

-Ready to Start-

To complete this tut, you will need the Mura Meister Cloud Filter. You can download it here:

You will also need the Xero Porcelain Filter. You can download it here:

Open new transparent image 700 x 550

Flood fill using the following color: #15334f

Go to Effects/Filters/Mura Meister and choose the cloud filter.

Apply to the image using the settings a seen below:

mura meister filter

Open misted scenery image from supplies.

Copy/paste as new layer onto the image.

Pull the image just a bit down. See my image for reference.

Now open the beautiful woman image from supplies.

Copy/paste as new layer onto the image.

Go to Image/Mirror so that she faces the opposite direction and place her to the left side of the image.

Change the woman layer Blend/Mode to Luminance.(Legacy)

Open man tube from the supplies.

Copy/paste as new layer onto the image.

Go to Image/Mirror so that he is facing the opposite direction and place him to the upper right side of the image.

Change the man layers Blend/Mode to Luminance (Legacy).

Lower the man layers opacity to 44 %.

Now open word art from supplies.

Copy/paste as new layer onto the image.

Place the word art to the right side of the image.

Go to Layers Menu and merge all layers.

Next, go to Effects/Filters/Xero and choose the porcelain filter.

Apply to the image using the settings as seen below:

xero settings

Now go to Image/Add Border and apply border using the following settings:

Width 3

Color #203c58

Click OK.

Again to Image/Add Border and apply using these settings:

Width 15

Color #7a94b0

Now using the Magic Wand, click on the border you just created.

Go to Effects/Drop Shadow and apply using the following settings:

Vertical 3

Horizontal 3

Opacity 70

Blur 30

Click OK.

Once again to Effects/Drop shadow and apply using these settings:

Vertical -3

Horizontal -3

Rest of the settings same as above.

Go to Selections Menu and choose Select/None.

Add one last border using these settings:

Width 3

Color #203c58


This tutorial was written by Diana's Creations on August 7, 2009
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental
Property of Diana's Creations