
How To!



March 8
How to Create a Welcome Plaque


Click on image to take you to tutorial page
welcome plaque

This uses Selections, Curved Text, Cut Out. You can also save this as a Tube and use again and again.

This is a great tutorial written by a very good friend of Cathies and mine.

I have several screenshots and it might help you before questions arise.

1 - Load the Pattern and the Selections in the proper folders in your PSP files.

Jan as provided the wood pattern. Here is a screenshot on selecting -

screenshot 1

2 - You will find the selection

screenshot 2

3 - The Dither will be in the texture file.
Click on the material palette - Click the box on Texture -

screenshot 3

4 - On the Bezier Curve, I just find this to confusing when you can do it a better and quicker way -
But if you want to try this way, the Draw tool is now called the Pen!

Go to your presets and pick Eclipse

screenshot 5

Make sure you are creating as a vector

You DO NOT have to add a new layer as long as your text is on Vector

Click on the top of the eclipse


I used the David Sans font at 22 (Provided in my supplies)

After you have your text placed as you like - Click on the + sign on Vector and open -

screenshot 6

Click on the eye to get rid of the eclipse - Now if your text is right where you want it -

screenshot 6a

Promote this layer to Raster..Now you have your text..You can do the cut out and drop shadow

5 - When I first started out in PSP, Exporting and saving as picture tubes were really popular.
Now they just open the tube and paste as new layer instead of saving..

welcome plaque

