Little cat


Draw another ellipse, smaller than the first one, and shadow it as the body. Place it like here:

Draw a little ellipse like this. Then, duplicate it three times to make the paws:

Now, draw another ellipse for the tail. Right click it, and choose "convert to path". This will allow you to add vectors and work with them. Start pulling the top of the ellipse, add vectors in the middle and puxh them... well, play with vectors to get the shape of a tail! You can see the vectors in the first picture. Then, place it over your cat's body:

Add a new layer, and draw the ears with your paint brush (You can use a triangle shape if you want, but let's practice with the free hand drawing). Remember to clean the edges:

At this point, your cat should like like the first sample, in real size. Using a darker colour, fill the ears and draw the paws (always add a new layer):

Always adding new layers, let's draw the eyes (here you have a sample, draw one and duplicate the layer), nose and whiskers:

You are ready! Take a look at the drawing in the real size. Merge the layers, copy, past as new image and save it as a gif, or tube it to use as a base. Keep your .psp file in separate layers, so you can change the expression moving the eyes, mirroring the tail or whatever you want!

Here you have a sample of an animated graphic using the cat. And... let's go crazy! Do this cat, and then transform it in a dog, or a rabbit, and send them to me. (Yes, I'm bad and I like to be!)

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